6th Grade

Welcome From Ms. Soto, Assistant Principal

Dear Sixth Grade Families and Students, 
I would like to personally welcome you to the Irwin Altman Middle School 172 family and let you know that I will be working directly with you and your child during their three years at our school. This is my ninth year as an Assistant Principal at Middle School 172 and during this time I’ve had the honor of working closely with the families of three graduating cohorts. Prior to serving the District 26 community, I was an Assistant Principal for three years at Sheepshead Bay High School in District 22 and an ELA teacher for eight years at I.S 61 in District 24. In addition, I am a mother of two daughters. My oldest is in college and and my youngest is entering high school.  
I know the challenges of parenting has increased due to our recent experiences with the pandemic and the rise of social media and want you to know that I completely understand how scary a transition year can be – both as an educator and a mother.  With that said, I want you to know that our sixth-grade teacher team, support staff and I will be here for you and your child every step of the way! I am a firm believer in the African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child” and my goal is to ensure a supportive social-emotional climate where each individual child can flourish to their highest potential. 
Ms. Soto